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Time in Parallel Universe

Description of Time-Travel & Parallel Universe;
||Since the time of Wells and Einstein, there has been a continuing literary fascination with time travel, and especially with the paradoxes that seem to confront any genuine time traveller (something that Wells neglected to investigate). The classic example is the so- called "granny paradox", where a time traveller inadvertantly causes the death of his granny when she was a small girl, so that the traveller's mother, and therefore the traveller himself, were never born. In which case, he did not go back in time to kill granny . . . and so on, Few of the writers of Dr Who have had the imagination to actually use his time machine in this kind of way. It would, after all, make for rather dull viewing if every time the Doctor had been confronted by a disaster he popped into the TARDIS, went back in time and warned his earlier self to steer clear of the looming trouble. But the implications were thoroughly explored for a wide audience in the Back to the Future trilogy, ramming home the point that time travel runs completely counter to common sense. Obviously, time travel must be impossible. Only, common sense is about as reliable a guide to science as the well known "fact" that Einstein came up with the idea of time as the fourth dimension is to history. Sticking with Einstein's own theories, it is hardly common sense that objects get both heavier and shorter the faster they move.Physicists have long puzzled over the fact that two distinct "arrows of time" both point in the same direction. In the everyday world, things wear out  cups fall from tables and break, but broken cups never re- assemble themselves spontaneously. In the expanding Universe at large, the future is the direction of time in which galaxies are further apart.
More recently, these ideas have been extended into quantum physics. There, the arrow of time is linked to the so-called "collapse of the wave function", which happens, for example, when an electron wave moving through a TV tube collapses into a point particle on the screen of the TV. Some researchers have tried to make the quantum description of reality symmetric in time, by including both the original state of the system (the TV tube before the electron passes through) and the final state (the TV tube after the electron has passed through) in one mathematical description.
Observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation show that the Universe emerged from the Big Bang in a very smooth and uniform state. This rules out the time-symmetric solutions. The implication is that even if the present expansion of the Universe does reverse, time will not run backwards and broken cups will not start re- assembling themselves.

Now the question is , its possible the time travel?
So what do Einstein's equations tell us, if pushed to the limit? As you might expect, the possibility of time travel involves those most extreme objects, black holes. And since Einstein's theory is a theory of space and time, it should be no surprise that black holes offer, in principle, a way to travel through space, as well as through time. A simple black hole won't do, though. If such a black hole formed out of a lump of non-rotating material, it would simply sit in space, swallowing up anything that came near it. At the heart of such a black hole there is a point known as a singularity, where space and time cease to exist, and matter is crushed to infinite density. Thirty years ago, Roger Penrose (now of Oxford University) proved that anything which falls into such a black hole must be drawn into the singularity by its gravitational pull, and also crushed out of existence.
Taking advantage of Einstein's special theory of relativity, which says that time runs slow for a moving object, one of the chambers is then taken on a long, fast journey and brought back: Time would pass at different rates at the two ends of the wormhole, (and) anyone falling into one end of the wormhole would be instantly hurled into the past or the future (as they emerge from the other end).
Once again, it sounds like science fiction, and once again science fiction writers have indeed been here before. But this idea of parallel universes and alternative histories as a solution to the time travel paradoxes is also now being taken seriously by some (admittedly, not many) researchers, including David Deutsch, in Oxford.
The ominent presence of voyage seems repetitive and spiral in nature and therefore the branching evolving of time-space travel as a mere amnesic remembrance of interlapped lives occurs in reflective energy holographic essences of past occurrences absorbed in fractal storage beyond 3D perception.

Disproof of Time-Travel;
Systems – Chaos Theory – Dynamic Systems – Entropy - Reverse & Restore of Information – QED – PhotoElectric – Quantum  States – Physics of Elementary Particle & etc.

-          What should happen exactly for time-traveling?
In each second all over the world lots of events occur. You are breathing, Cars moving, You are reading this text and it means movement of billions of photons, You move little bit your hands and It means storm in molecule scales like when you breathe…
You talk and say “Hello”, you sent 5bits information by strumming of atmosphere particles. Briefly something happened in your mind then brain, your tongue, lips, … ears of receiver(s) and etc. that all of these occur by sending and receiving information by electrical pulse, strumming of atm. & …
Particles in atmosphere move chaotic and SO fast. Atm as chaotic system is not predictable. (weather & forecast are in classical scale and we talk about micro scale.) So you cannot understand what will happen for particle which passes from you. “Hello” > “01001000-01000101-01001100-01001100-01001111” and lots of another information behind the sense. To reverse some info in computers you can use ctrl+Z but it doesn’t mean info passes or effluence and then back. In computers info stores and then restore from known coordinates. But where are those photons that carried quanta of energy or light from your monitor to your eyes exactly? How can you restore info from unknown coordinates?
  It is something you must do to make time-travel.
If you want to go back to time when you was 1 year old you have to find exactly those particles that touched you and in fact all particles that existed that time on earth and touched all people and stuffs & ……………
How do you wanna cull all of those particles? (photons, molecule & …) How can you reverse waves?
They move with speed of light. Maybe some of them at the moment you wanna travel to past behaved as waves and some of them as particle. How you wanna check this and then reverse info?
These questions just proved probability of time-travel is very low, maybe 0.00000…00000000….0000..00…..00….000…001 ! BUT we wanna reason to disprove 100%;
>> When you cannot predict chaotic dynamic system So you cannot reverse and restore information from it Because you don’t know states of system in the past. |
And If some people use Parallel Universe to explain time-travel, Physicsism should say we disprove it by theories, principles & concepts that even you can see by your eyes and not with fancy story that there s no even one little scientific reason for it like Parallel universe.

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