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| Death/Life – Nature – Information |

Death & Life

Explanation of death & life based on Information theory.

Biological Description of Death & Life;
||It is estimated The Earth was formed four billion years ago by Lava, so at the first life was Impossible. Gradually Earth was cooled & the rock layers were formed. Clouds were formed by the Condensing of water vapor in the atmosphere. For another two thousand years it rained slowly which caused the appearance of the oceans.
Some theorists suggest that the atmosphere of the early Earth may have been chemically reducing in nature, composed primarily of methane (CH4), ammonia (NH3), water (H2O), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon dioxide (CO2) or carbon monoxide (CO), and phosphate (PO43-), with molecular oxygen (O2) and ozone (O3) either rare or absent. In such a reducing atmosphere, electrical activity can catalyze the creation of certain basic small molecules (monomers) of life, such as amino acids (monomers of proteins) & carbohydrates.
After many years mixture of amino acids formed small spherical shells about 2 μm in diameter, called Microspheres.  Some refer to microspheres or protein protocells as small spherical units postulated by some scientists as a key stage in the origin of life. Microspheres, like cells, can grow and contain a double membrane which undergoes diffusion of materials and osmosis. Although they do reproduce asexually by budding, they do not pass on any type of genetic material; so they are not alive!
These microspheres became more complex, they would carry on more lifelike functions. Gradually they could make Short strands of RNA by Nucleic acid. The RNA was capable of self- replication & during the budding, passed to the next generation. RNA molecules could manage synthesis of special enzymes and proteins, determined their microspheres Feature. When we know a cell is alive that it grows, does metabolism & does reproduce to transfer the genetic information to the next generation.
The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all known living organisms. It is the smallest unit of life that is classified as a living thing.
There are two types of cells; eukaryotic and prokaryotic. Prokaryotic cells are usually independent, while eukaryotic cells are often found in multicellular organisms.
The prokaryotic cells are simpler, without some specific Organelles such as Mitochondria & Chloroplasts.  The prokaryotes are Primary cells that are origin of Eukaryotic cells. The genetic material of a prokaryotic cell consists of a single chromosome that is in direct contact with the cytoplasm. Here, the undefined nuclear region in the cytoplasm is called the nucleoid.  Bacteria and cyan bacteria are prokaryote. All of the prokaryotes are unicellular.

Some parts of prokaryotic cells:
-                      Cytoplasmic region that contains the cell genome (DNA) and ribosomes and various sorts of inclusions.
-                      The Cell membrane or plasma membrane surroundes cytoplasm.
-                      The Cell wall acts to protect the cell mechanically and chemically from its environment, and is an additional layer of protection to the cell membrane.
-                      A gelatinous capsule is present in some bacteria outside the cell membrane and cell wall.
-                      Flagella for cellular mobility, is long & thick, made of protein. The bacterial flagellum stretches from cytoplasm through the cell membrane and extrudes through the cell wall.
-                      Fimbriae (pili) made of proteins that are short & thick, responsible for attachment of bacteria to specific receptors of human cells or Sticking to various surfaces.
The eukaryotic cell seems to have evolved from a symbiotic community of prokaryotic cells; because:
-                      Both use RNA and DNA which are the genetic material
-                      Both use the same 20 amino acids
-                      Both have ribosomes and DNA and RNA
-                      Both have a lipid layer cell membrane.
   Plants, animals, fungi & algae are all eukaryotic. The major difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is that eukaryotic cells contain membrane-bound compartments in which specific metabolic activities take place. Eukaryotes like prokaryotes have Cytoplasmic, Cell membrane and some of them like plant Cells have Cell wall.  Different types of cells have cell walls made up of different materials; plant cell walls are primarily made up of pectin, fungi cell walls are made up of chitin and bacteria cell walls are made up of peptidoglycan. The eukaryotic DNA is organized in one or more linear molecules, called chromosomes, which are associated with histone proteins. All chromosomal DNA is stored in the cell nucleus, separated from the cytoplasm by a membrane. Some eukaryotic organelles such as mitochondria also contain some DNA.

Some specific Organelles in the Eukaryotic cells:
Ribosome is a large complex of RNA and protein molecules. They each consist of two subunits, and act as an assembly line where RNA from the nucleus is used to synthesise proteins from amino acids. Ribosomes can be found either floating freely or bound to a membrane or on the rough endoplasmatic.
Lysosomes are to serve as digestion compartments for cellular materials that have exceeded their lifetime or are otherwise no longer useful. They are manufactured by the Golgi apparatus. They digest excess or worn-out organelles, food particles or bacteria with breaking down cellular waste products, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and other macromolecules into simple compounds, which are then transferred back into the cytoplasm as new cell-building materials.
Peroxisomes are involved in the catabolism of very long chain fatty acids, branched chain fatty acids, polyamines, and biosynthesis of plasmalogens. One of the important functions is to Breakdown the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a potentially dangerous product of fatty-acid oxidation. It is catalyzed by the enzyme catalase.
Lysosomes & Peroxisomes do their tasks by helping Enzymes. Enzymes are catalysts and responsible for the thousands of chemical reactions taking place. Most are proteins, so Ribosomes make them with amino acids.
Golgi apparatus processes and packages the macromolecules such as proteins and lipids that are synthesized by the cell.
Mitochondria provide the energy a cell needs to move, divide, produce secretory products, contract - in short; they are the power centers of the cell. The Origin of Mitochondria was an aerobic prokaryote.
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a system of membrane-enclosed sacs and tubules in the cell.  ER is a site that manufactures most of the membranes of the cell, lipids, transmembrane proteins and secreted proteins. The ER has two forms: the rough ER, which has ribosomes on its surface and secretes proteins into the cytoplasm, and the smooth ER, which lacks them. Smooth ER plays a role in calcium sequestration and release; also does detoxification.
All of these Organelles are common in the eukaryotic cells. But there are some organelles that only can be found in some specific cells. For example Centrosome can only be found in animals cells (acts as the main microtubule-nucleating organelle in animal cells and plays a critical role in mitotic spindle orientation and in genome stability.) Or vacuoles that store extra water, waste & food, can be found in plant cells and some fungis.
The purpose of these organelles & their mechanisms is life. Prokaryotic-eukaryotic or Unicellular-multicellular try to survive and live more. Also for this purpose do reproduction. But each living organism - unicellular or multicellular - has a limited lifetime.  For example Red blood cells can be alive max. 120 days.

What happens after a cell dies?
Death is a part of life.
At the cellular level, it's essential for life. There are two types of eukaryotic cell death: necrosis and apoptosis. Apoptosis or programmed cell death is like a cell committing suicide! When a cell is compelled to commit suicide proteins called caspases go into action. Some cellular components which are necessary for survival are broke down by caspases. The DNA in the nucleus condenses and breaks into regular-sized fragments by DNases. The cell shrinks and sends out distress signals, which are answered by vacuum cleaners known as macrophages. After that, it breaks into several smaller pieces containing the cell components and destroyed nucleus.

Necrotic means the cell dies due to some sort of outside stimulus; Mechanical stress, lack of oxygen & etc.
Macrophages play an important role in both types of cell death. They remove remaining cell components & break down them with their enzymes. Obtained materials come back to a new cell cycle.
In the nature when an animal, a human or a type of plant dies, all parts of their body is disintegrated by Bacteria, some fungis & Protista to monomers like amino acid, nucleotide acid & Lipid. These monomers can make a new system that is alive or affects on living organisms, like viruses.

Technical Description of Death & Life;
|| How to destroy or kill information:
There are some ways to kill or destroy our data in formal ways, for example if you have some special data on your HDD and want to fordo all of that, what should you do?
1) Shift + Delete
2) Format your HDD
3) Format your HDD and install another OS
But does Microsoft or Google or some other companies like them kill their important information of database by these regular ways?
Of course not! For example Microsoft kills its information by some ways that are not logical at the first in people mind.
Microsoft has some powerful programs to encrypt data like Bitlocker & etc.
But when a HDD in Microsoft company has serious problem Microsoft reformat it, if the problem solved  HDD comes back to the normal working but if the problem didn`t solve Microsoft will not use  bitlocker and take HDD away because it afraid of losing its important data. The Microsoft`s engineers rendered some solution to safe data. One of these powerful ways is this: The Microsoft`s engineers write some program with special algorithm that format one HDD and change the HDD table and write spurious data on HDD and repeat these actions up to 1,000,000  times, by this you can safe your data up to ~90%  but you can recovery your data yet. So Microsoft, Google, Intel and giant companies don`t want to risk so they use another ways to kill their important information; destroy HDDs one by one.
Maybe it s not good for Microsoft, Google, Apple & etc to use this way to keep their data secure! But really they cannot do anything else...
Cause Information is Physical.

Information can be stored on/in everything;
Mechanical waves, EM waves, cellules, Hyper Molecule like DNA & RNA, Atomes, LED board in a city, alphabets, eyes & ears (How you see and hear), Quantum fluctuation, Elementary Particles and etc.
You can store 1MB on a big page and 1TB on few amounts of molecules (1gram DNA; 700TB).
Human’s complex body is because of more information. Each new movement means new structure.
From simple Algae to Human body, from simple atoms to complex system of life. It is Entropy, it s increasing the information. One bit to 700TBytes. All these are because of chaotic universe; Dynamic System.
Several years ago human needed large volume to store just one word (few amounts of bits). For example 500KB in a room (3*4*3m)! but you have now 1TeraBytes in your packet as external HDD.
Suppose 1m for 1MB (50 yrs ago) and 1nm for 1MB now.
We know just bit as unit of information but we cannot explain it by place/space/time, (x,y,z,t). But Bit is physical parameter cause we can measure it.
If you have storage device with good (acceptable) quality, it s not important for your data How long and How many years they are in that device. For example after 50 yrs, you can play music that stored on a device by your father or grandpa. Maybe quality of music reduce but that s because of materials of device. The Information exists but you cannot read, however you can recover & repair them like photos and videos.
So there is no scale for information. (x,y,z,t) is surface of structures coordinates. But actually there s no dependency for info on structures. Even you can recover info after destroy almost of surface. (As we talk before.)
To Be or Not To Be of surface is not important for Nature of Information.
Your info will remain at least at the surface of NATURE. However information is Free in time & space/place.
So after Death, Information will be alive.

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