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Robotic DNA

Brief Introduction of Robotic DNA;
|| DeoxyriboNucleicAcid (DNA) is a nucleic acid containing the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. The DNA segments carry these genetics information; called genes. Along with RNA and proteins, DNA is one of the three major macromolecules that are essential for all known forms of life.
DNA is a self-formed molecule (Self Assembler) that made of 2 strands. Each strand is a polymer that monomer constructor is called nucleotides.
Nucleotide monomer consists of three parts:
1-      A five-carbon sugar (Deoxy-Ribose)
2-       One to three phosphate groups
3-       A nitrogenous organic base (adenine or thymine or guanine or cytosine)

DNA is a smart system that can respond to environmental changes, with RNA. In other words, the command and control center of the cell is nucleus and that all activities performed by the DNA. By this feature we can build a smart nano-robots, like a DNA bot that can explore, Identify and React to state of environments; or can carry therapeutic cargo and delivery to the target cell without any mistake; or Control the activity of a cell to the extent even damage it!

Create nano robots by DNA origami; DNA origami is a method & the nanoscale folding of DNA to create arbitrary two and three dimensional shapes at the nanoscale; by taken long single strands of DNA & combined them with hundreds short strands.
The strands are placed together with complementary connection between the organic base & form Phosphodiesterase bond between them. By this method we can made a tiny DNA robot that can seek out and destroy specific cells - including cancer cells.
This nano robot is barrel-shap with 35 nanometer diameters & has two short nucleotide strands – named latches – for identify cell surface proteins, including disease markers. In each one there are 12 linker regions to connect the drug cargo.
When the latches recognize the target cells – like canser cells– change their shapes and then open barrel for delivery cargo drug.
The DNA nanorobot is just as specific, as different hinges and molecular messages can be switched in and out. This means it could potentially be used to treat a variety of diseases.

No risk for healthy cells? Nanorobots can be programmed to release their payload only when the target cell is in the correct disease state; also if stay the nano-robot in blood circulation, the liver clears them or destroyed by nucleases enzymes.
Despite these capabilities, the risk of damage into healthy cells is very low, near zero!
But we know any smart system is not safely utterly; Especially If a self-assembled!
However, since the DNA bot that carry Therapeutic cargo; Unforeseen any danger, It is not too far from imagine when this DNA nano robot act anti healthy cells; like body's immune system attacks Own cells, for example Multiple sclerosis (MS).

 Description of Robotic DNA;
|| The obvious importance of DNA in understanding the molecular details of both heredity and development was not until after the publication of the proposed double helical structure that DNA started increasingly to occupy the interest of biologists and finally became the focus of the study of genetics and development. The last fifty years have seen the reorganization of most of biology around DNA as the central molecule of heredity, development, cell function and evolution.
An entire theory has been based on DNA which contains the Secret of Life, the Master Molecule, the Holy Grail of biology, narrative in which we are lumbering robots created, body and mind by our DNA. This theory has implications; not only for our understanding of biology, but for our attempts to manipulate and control biological processes in the interests of human health and welfare, and for the situation of the rest of the living world.
The other side of the movement of DNA to the center of attention in biology has been the development of tools for the automated reading of DNA sequences, for the laboratory replication and alteration of DNA sequences and for the insertion of pieces of DNA into an organism’s genome. Taken together, these techniques provide the power to manipulate an organism’s DNA to order. The three obvious implications of this power are in the detection and possible treatment of diseases, the use of organisms as productive machines for the manufacture of specific biological molecules and the breeding of agricultural species with novel properties.
As in all other species, for any given gene, human mutations with deleterious effects almost always occur in low frequency. Hence specific genetic diseases are rare. Even in the aggregate, genes do not account for most of human ill health. Given the cost and expenditure of energy that would be required to locate, diagnose and genetically repair any single disease, there is no realistic prospect of such genetic fixes as a general approach for this class of diseases. There are exceptions, such as sickle cell anemia and conditions associated with other abnormal hemoglobin, in which a non negligible fraction of a population may be affected, so that these might be considered as candidates for gene therapy. But for most diseases, that represent a substantial fraction of ill health and for which some evidence of genetic influence has been found, the relation between disease and DNA is much more complex and ambiguous.
Scientists have created microscopic robots out of DNA molecules that can walk, turn and even create tiny products of their own on a nano-scale assembly line.
Robots of the future could operate at the nano-scale level, cleaning arteries or building computer components, the nano-spider moves along a track comprising stitched-together strands of DNA that is essentially a pre-programmed course.
Using the DNA robotic origami method (complex 3-D shapes and objects are constructed by folding strands of DNA), the scientist created a nanosize robot in the form of an open barrel whose two halves are connected by a hinge.
The nanorobot’s DNA barrel acts as a container that can hold various types of contents, including specific molecules with encoded instructions that can interact with specific signaling receptors on cell surfaces, including disease markers.
The barrel is normally held shut by special DNA latches. But when the latches find their targets, they reconfigure, causing the two halves of the barrel to swing open and expose its contents, or payload.
The researchers used this system to deliver instructions, encoded in antibody fragments, to two different types of cancer cells leukemia and lymphoma. In each case, the message to the cell was to activate the apoptosis or suicide switch which allows aging or abnormal cells to be eliminated. This programmable nanotherapeutic approach was modeled on the body’s own immune system, in which white blood cells patrol the bloodstream for any signs of trouble.
Because DNA is a natural biocompatible and biodegradable material, DNA nanotechnology is widely recognized for its potential as a delivery mechanism for drugs and molecular signals. There have been significant challenges to its implementation, such as what type of structure to create; how to open, close, and reopen that structure to insert, transport, and deliver a payload; and how to program this type of nanoscale robot.
DNA consists of a string of four nucleotide bases known as A, T, G and C, which make the molecule easy to program. According to nature's rules, A binds only with T, and G only with C. With DNA, at the small scale, you can program these sequences to self-assemble and fold into a very specific final structure, with separate strands brought together to make larger-scale objects. The DNA design strategy is based on the idea of getting a long strand of DNA to fold in two dimensions, as if laid on a flat surface, scientist used a viral genome consisting in approximately 8000 nucleotides to create 2-D stars.That single strand of DNA serves as a scaffold for the rest of the structure. Hundreds of shorter strands, each about 20 to 40 base in length, combine with the scaffold to hold it in its final, folded shape.
DNA is in many ways better suited to self-assembly than proteins, whose physical properties are both difficult to control and sensitive to their environment.
What also has been added is a new software program interface with a software program called "DNAno" which allows users to manually create scaffold DNA origami from a two-dimensional lay out. The new program takes 2D blueprint and predict the ultimate 3D shapes of the designe, also should allow DNA origami designers to more thoroughly test their DNA structures and tweak them to fold correctly. At the molecular-level, stress in the double helix of DNA decreases the folding stability of the structure and introduces local defects, both of which have hampered progress in the scaffold DNA origami field.
Now once we have assembled the DNA structures, the next question is what to do with them, the researchers get excited about the DNA carrier that can transport drugs to specific destinations in the body.
Another possible application of scaffold DNA origami could help reproduce part of the light-harvesting apparatus of photosynthetic plant cells. Researchers hope to recreate that complex series of about 20 protein subunits; but to do that, components must be held together in specific positions and orientations.
First, the general region of neurons associated with the movement of a particular body part or sensory function needs to be identified. Then, a means to decode these signals and translate them to a device that will mimic the movement or function and continue to correctly do so in the long-term needs to be determined. General algorithms or mathematical equations have been created to translate these brain signals that can predict the trajectory of the movement. But, then artificial devices need to be created. These devices have to be able to process and store the signals like a mini-mini-computer. So far, neurochips, little microchips used in the brain, have been created, but have yet to be as efficient and reliable as needed.
 It is necessary to observe how larger populations of neurons interact and behave during motor movements in order to get a better idea of how the brain works. This newer technique also has the benefit of monitoring populations of neurons for longer periods of times.
This simply can explain the estimated number of neurons from the different part of the brain that would be needed to obtain a correlation coefficient of 0.90. PMd(camera) would need the least amount (approximately 480) neurons to obtain a 90% correlation between neuron and robotic arm movement while iMI would need the most (1,195 neurons) to obtain a correlation coefficient of 0.90. All neurons together would require approximately 500 neurons to obtain the 0.90 coefficient.
For now, there are too many questions in terms of neurobiological functions, however, the significant progress is being made in the field and it is not unreasonable to expect some fruition of this technology in the future.
So concluding retrospectively, robotic technology should be important to everyone. Not only can it replace what has been lost, but it can also greatly enhance the lives of everyone. Again, the hybrid part of robotics means that people and machines work in unison. Our uncanny ability to learn combined with our own circuit board, the brain, can lead to the control of any complex machine by the use of trained neurons. After all, isn’t technology our way of building on what nature gave us? most of the training however will be left for us humans to do, as we will become more and more the weakest link. 

Completed it by explanation of How Humans are Robots?!

We are Quantum Computer;

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