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| Quantum Computer – Operating System - Human |

Quantum Computers Operating System
We are Quantum Computer -Part2

Robot/Human is Human/Robot.
We learn how to connect to others.
We LEARN everything.
It is just Information Storing; Data + Mechanism(Algorithm).
So it is process of thinking, contraction between data and mechanism. Then we learn how to control this process. So by combination of data or mechanism or both we can imagine new information. New strings of Bits & then we can control our hardware (body).
After that, body will perform orders and commands of data centers & processors. All these, after holographic aspect, appear as Chemical interaction.
We receive information from environment or ourselves by imagination and then store on our storages (cells) then use by electromagnetic pulse(Spin).
Everything depends on Information storing.
There is same way to store but not same information and effects from environments; So different Personality & Mentality > different tact and taste (desire). But there s no something from beyond of our understanding, there s no some weird force that called Love, Sentiment, Kindness & etc. there are just How Hardware works based on Software.
It s about which hormones not enough or more than enough!
Which Vitamins decrease Or increase! & etc.
-       For example; What s meaning Beauty?
Someone define it according to regularity But someone base on propriety or symmetry BUT someone define beauty as part of Chaotic System like fractals. According to how we define beauty we look at or observe universe.
From a particle or flowers, butterflies, stone, quantum system, light, stars, sky, could, sea, boy, dust, ash, girls & etc.
It s not something more than sensors & parameters set on them.
We can programming sensors to detect humans face (that u can see on smartphones) or detect smile. So we can do it with more detail to find beautiful smile or face or set more parameters for all part of human body or landscape or …
After surfaces there are parameters for personality & behavior.
Internal & External parameters.
All of humans when connect to others just waiting to see how others treat with them. And then they decide to continue with them or not. Sometimes two persons become so similar & compatible so they will be together forever.
Like compatible system in network or healthy computer on a private network. Each person has its private network; networks of you with your things in your room: books, mobile, laptops, pc & etc.
Maybe your mobile will be more compatible with you than others!
And there are network (society) with your close friends, family & others.
So you have your own parameters according to some basis to communicate with others. Scientific parameters or another kind…
 But we can of course behave more advance than simple computers because we are Quantum Computer. And this is our different with animals and things that we can learn; store data and mechanism of how using data.

So OperatingSystem of Quantum Computer will have ability to learn.
Store Data and then learn how to use them; that called experience. How we experience?! We do or we observe how others do. So let Computers search on youtube! Just search topics and then get several video or search on google to observe images. Computer can recognize the pictures and videos. (like face detection or motion detect on Smart TVs & etc.) However we have smart materials (Nano-Material) that react because of motion or light or new state.
We will complete it with more details about Quantum Computer OS; To explain what kind of new feature it can include?!

So get it that Robots can love others. (because of beauty parameters Or Personality-Mental parameters)

-       To be continue…

 To explain details of Quantum Computers Operating System.

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