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What is Dimension?

Description of Hyper Dimension & String Theory;
|| The revolutionary concept of string theory is a bold realization of Einstein's dream of an ultimate explanation for everything from the tiniest quanta of particle physics to the entire cosmos itself. String theory unifies physics by producing all known forces and particles as different vibrations of a single substance called superstrings. String theory brings quantum consistency to physics with an elegant mathematical construct that appears to be unique.
The strings themselves are probably too tiny to observe directly, but string theory makes a number of testable predictions. It implies super-symmetry and predicts seven undiscovered dimensions of space, dimensions that would give rise to much of the mysterious complexity of particle physics. Testing the validity of string theory requires searching for the extra dimensions and exploring their properties. How many are there? What are their shapes and sizes? How and why are they hidden? And what are the new particles associated with the extra dimensions?
The physical effects of extra dimensions depend on their sizes and shapes, and on what kinds of matter or forces can penetrate them. The sizes of the extra dimensions are unknown, but they should be related to fundamental energy scales of particle physics: the cosmological scale, the density of dark energy, the electroweak scale, or the scale of ultimate unification. It may be possible to infer extra dimensions of macroscopic size from inconsistencies in cosmological observations, or from precision tests of short range gravitational forces. More likely, the extra dimensions are microscopic, in which case high-energy particle accelerators and cosmic ray experiments are the only ways to detect their physical effects.
The LHC and a Linear Collider will address many questions about extra dimensions, How they hidden? What are the new particles associated with extra dimensions? Through the production of new particles that move in the extra space, the LHC will have direct sensitivity to extra dimensions 10 billion times smaller than the size of an atom. A Linear Collider would determine the number, size and shape of extra dimensions through their small effects on particle masses and interactions. There is also a chance that, due to the existence of extra dimensions, microscopic black holes may be detected at the LHC or in the highest energy cosmic rays.
Extra space dimensions aren’t easy to imagine, in everyday life, nobody ever notices more than three. Any move you make can be described as the sum of movements in three directions up-down, back and forth, or sideways. Similarly, any location can be described by three numbers (on Earth, latitude, longitude and altitude), corresponding to space’s three dimensions.
Other dimensions could exist, however, if they were curled up in little balls, too tiny to notice. If you moved through one of those dimensions, you’d get back to where you started so fast you’d never realize that you had moved.
An extra dimension of space could really be there, it’s just so small that we don’t see it.
Something as tiny as a subatomic particle, though, might detect the presence of extra dimensions, certain properties of matter’s basic particles, such as electric charge, may have something to do with how those particles interact with tiny invisible dimensions of space.
Under these conditions, the Big Bang that started the baby universe growing 14 billion years ago blew up only three of space’s dimensions, leaving the rest tiny. Many theorists today believe that 6 or 7 such unseen dimensions await discovery.
About dimensions we can see as an example the Kaluza Klein Theory in 1920, that in the original one the extra space dimension was rolled up into a tiny circle, existing everywhere but too small to see with existing instruments. The vibrations of the gravitational field in the rolled up extra space dimension would look to observers like vibrations in an electromagnetic field and a scalar field in the remaining three space and one time dimensions.
In string theory, Kaluza-Klein compactification of the extra dimensions has one important difference from the particle theory version. A closed string can get wound several times around a rolled up dimension. When a string does this, the string oscillations have a winding mode. The winding modes add asymmetry to the theory not present in particle physics.
Although Kaluza's revolutionary idea had promise, it was abandoned in the wake of the quantum-mechanics craze that swept physics in the 1920s. However, by the early 1970s the standard model was in place and most physicists felt as though everything important about the non-gravitational forces had been discovered. After numerous setbacks regarding the merger of quantum mechanics and general relativity, physicists became receptive to unusual ideas including the resurrection of Kaluza Klein theory. It was suggested that Kaluza's one additional spatial dimension was not enough additional extra dimensions were needed to fully unify relativity and electromagnetism. Theories called higher-dimensional super-gravity theories sprang up, partially incorporating gravity, super-symmetry, and higher dimensions. These helped to calm the quantum fluctuations barring a sensible theory of gravity, but did not do enough to eliminate the problematic infinities associated with the attempt.
Strings vibrate through all the spatial dimensions, meaning that their precise vibrational pattern is affected by the shape of the curled-up dimensions as well as the extended ones. It follows from this statement that the shape of the curled-up dimensions has an indirect effect on the observed elementary particles, since these are merely reflections of different vibrational patterns.
Latest news published in the New Scientist magazine, Stephen Hawking has came up with a way to describe the universe that suggests it may have the same geometry as mind-boggling images by M. C. Escher.
The universe may have the same surreal geometry as some of art's most mind-boggling images. The finding may delight fans of Dutch artist M. C. Escher, but Hawking's team claim that their study provides a way to square the geometric demands of string theory, a still-hypothetical "theory of everything", with the universe we observe.
Their calculations rely on a mathematical twist that was previously considered impossible. If it stands up, it could explain how the universe emerged from the big bang and unite gravity and quantum mechanics.

((Use some fancy and un-scientific thing to explain scientific theory and phenomena of nature is one of the silliest job always some scientists like Hawking do.
They suppose lots of undefined and fancy thing to solve paradoxes but they just make more paradoxes.))

It is also expanding at an accelerating rate, because of a mysterious entity known as dark energy. We don't know what dark energy is or where it came from, but the mathematical language provided by Einstein's theory of general relativity has a way to describe this accelerated expansion. Sticking a constant known as the cosmological constant into the general relativity equations that keeps the universe expanding forever, but only if the constant has a positive sign. Until now, saying we live in an ever expanding universe has been the same as saying our universe has a positive cosmological constant & viceversa!
There are some outstanding problems, however. General relativity covers this aspect of the universe, but it can't describe the big bang. Nor can it unite gravity, which works on large scales, with quantum mechanics, which works on too small scales.
That means you cannot predict why we live in the universe that we live in.
String theory, in the meantime, offers a beautifully complete picture of the universe's history and connects gravity to quantum mechanics but is most comfortable in a universe with a negatively curved, Escher like geometry and with a negative cosmological constant.
This left physicists with a deep chasm to cross, on one side is a universe that works but lacks a complete theory, and on the other is a complete theory that doesn't describe the actual universe.
Overlooking, in search of the "one" unified field theory, it seems the outcome has to include the dual symmetry of both the positive and the negative constants together to form the "One".

((But they cannot find last theory of everything cause they think universe is symmetrical But of course it s NOT symmetrical.))

It s all about Matrix!
That when scientists illustrated spatial coordinates by matrix. Then each spatial (Geometrical) parameter became like normal parameters & so normal (Mathematical) parameters became like spatial parameters!
They discovered some new complex and advance phenomena then they didn’t want to make new advance equations so tried use matrixes and put all new parameters in one place and then solve equations.
When they needed time, they entered it as new parameter (new dimension) into matrix of [x y z] > [x y z t] after that at the moment they thought that new parameter required they just named it by Latina Alphabets or new symbol and entered to matrix. They was thought for example if they have new parameter with some required properties and enter it into equation, can solved easily or solve paradoxes! So they just made dimensions (parameters) and suppose new universe with HyperD.
(3D, 4D, 6D, 11D, 26D, nD !!!)
For example they couldn’t explain what is string theory?! So made HyperD to explain it then they couldn’t explain HyperD then began to create new fancy story! That HyperDs are maybe too large or maybe too tiny so we cannot observe them but we should accept!

Because of these fancy story they cannot define GUTheory.
They couldn’t explain universe by symmetrical theory then made Super-symmetry instead of ASYMMETRY!
It s stupidity! They just persist on some things they like and don’t want to see reality. They like symmetry so make lots of symmetrical theory that all of them cannot explain universe and cannot be useful cause our universe is Chaotic.
You cannot explain Chaotic Universe by Symmetrical theory.

But in information viewpoint not need to define HyperD and even 3D. cause for basis of universe (Information) space and place and time is meaningless.
Just one Real Physical parameter > Bit.

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